As more and more people are finding out about ISP I am receiving so many fun emails from the most amazing people. One last week was from a lady from Word Rocks who gave me this amazing idea in exchange for some smile wands. Fair trade I think. Word Rocks is exactly what you think it…
I suppose I can attribute this desire from Peanut & Angel for a permanent lemonade stand at my house in large part to the popular kid’s shows, “Peppa Pig” and “Olivia”. These pig cartoons clearly have a huge influence at the homestead. Lucky for us the week my kids started asking to make homemade lemonade…
The following article is one close to my heart as I went to high school with this incredible woman. This story demonstrates the power and potential kindness has when communities band together. I could not be more proud to be associated with some of the amazing people I went to school with that helped Maddie…