Want to find the best way to spread kindness, compassion & inclusion on YOUR campus? The most fun you will have doing good is with Club TKO!
TKO, or the Kindness Offensive (Operation) hails from Jolly ol’England as a unique, fun way to spread goodness across the land. Three guys started out doing small-scale acts across their communities in London and realized they had created an entire culture of fun, inclusion, and kindness that everyone wanted to be be a part of in the city.
Now several years old they have worked with some of the largest corporations in London, British government officials and celebrities to do large-scale events giving to others. ISP had sparked up a friendship with these innovative Brits and asked if we could start our own chapter in the US (the first one mind you!) and turn it into a way to get our schools involved. They said, “brilliant –YES!”, and here we are with TKO in the OC!
What does TKO do here in the US?
TKO has started as small clubs on school campuses that are casual, fun and collaborative. The club does small-scale events to increase morale on campus, bring groups together and work to ensure everyone feels included and knows they are an integral part of the student body and community
What sort of events do you do and how big are they?
Like TKO in London initially did in their younger years, we start small, easy and free. Events could be as simple as a day designated to students and faculty giving compliments to others they have never met before on campus or could be larger like teaming up with another local organization to paint homes, feed the hungry or other needs specific to the needs of the chapter’s demographics.
How do I start a club at my school?
Every school and district differs however it starts with making an appointment with your Principal to discuss creating a club on campus. Things to highlight to your Principal are: TKO is made to be free, fun, easy to implement, and works to teach kindnesss through activities, group events, “Start with Hello week”, and other small events in the school’s local community to extend past school time. Your administrator may need to get approval from a higher district level but generally does not given the club has simple guidelines and can be made to suit the needs and parameters suited for your school.
How do I get people to sign up?
As they say, “Make it fun, and they will come!”. We wear yellow hard hats and vests with the TKO sticker on them, silly sunglasses, and just have a great time. TKO is meant to be fun, easy and inclusive. It is a democracy where everyone in the club offers ideas for events and projects and the club makes it happen. All meetings and events are known to have music, colorful props and gear and sometimes….even confetti. The club is free, doesn’t require a lot of time and commitment, but has a great impact on morale, creates lasting memories, and opens many doors to its’ members from all the people TKO Ambassadors meet on and off campus.
What are some examples of projects the club will do?
One project run by Club TKO is Start with Hello week is a standard on-campus event with posters, activities, and social gatherings throughout the week. Other projects will be done at meetings such as packing up food donations for a local pantry collected from students at school, or even perhaps an off-campus event such as handing out clothes to homeless during the winter with various local non-profits. Each chapter is different as it’s the members in each chapter that bring ideas to the table and implement what is important to them as a group for their school and community.