Wall Street might be booming recently, but our food banks have seen better days.
Our March challenge that was planned took a back seat when we recently saw this article in the OC Register. When we saw that the OC Rescue was needing to reduce the number of families they were feeding from 800 to 400 since the holidays we decided this was an easy challenge for our Ambassadors to do that could have great impact. Just think if each kid collected 5 cans or items and 100 Ambassadors did it and then told one friend each….a big dent would be put in this unfortunate decline.
This month you can either host a drive by asking your class, brownie troop, neighbors or even just relatives to donate a few of the following to help the cause:
-canned food (tuna, soup, fruit, beans, or peanut butter)
-boxed/bagged foods (rice, mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, dry pasta)