For Thanksgiving today I wanted to share some my favorite photos and short stories demonstrating “faith in humanity restored” to remind us amazing things happen every day. And for that I am thankful.
1. A card left amongst bills in the mail for a college sorority sister of mine whose husband serves our country and she raises 3 young children. An anonymous card was left for her with a $200 gift card in it just because they felt she was extraordinary. It was signed, “12 ordinary women”. Truly this card was the inspiration behind this post today. 2. A man teaching his girlfriend the alphabet after she lost her memory. 3. A Christmas tree complete with presents for a man that needed it the most from strangers. 4. A man gives to a homeless man. The time spent talking to him like a human being brought him to tears. 5. An expensive random act of kindness in hopes of someone paying it forward to another. Nothing more. 6. A teen offers his free services to those drinking one night in honor of his friend that was killed. Many of those teens filled out the cards on the right pledging not to drink and drive and many gave money to the driver which he donated back to M.A.D.D. 7. Need I say more? 8. This one had to make the cut because we flew to Hawaii with our twins at 20 weeks and should have done this. It would have helped all those dirty looks we got. Thankfully, the girls pulled it off, just to prove everyone wrong! 9. Dan, because he has his priorities straight. 10. A note from a child to her dog’s vet. 11. This couple. One without arms and the other without legs work together to take look out for and take care of one another. So beautiful. 12. This man who reads to his coworker that cannot. Every. Single. Day. 13. A teen with cancer was not released to go to his prom without wearing a mask so all of his friends wore one as well. 14. Paul Walker. Not only was he beautiful, but kind. There are many stories like this out there about him. 15. And this one because her face is just amazing.Happy Thanksgiving!
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